Sunday, March 15, 2009

This and That

The high school kids I work with did an amazing job with their show, and I am very pleased. They also gave me a sweet gift, and I inadvertently received a raise since I quit the last high school I worked for and started working with this one.

I am getting sinus surgery again. This time they are going to be more aggressive. They will be drilling small holes above my eyebrows to drain those sinuses and going into passages they haven't before. They assured me they will stop if any dangers pop up, like too much bleeding or leakage of my spinal fluid (they have to get WAY in there). I am also getting my deviated septum repaired, which I hear feels like you've got a broken nose. I scheduled it all for April 1, so I don't have too much time to get anxious about it.

In family news, my uncle has been committed. He lost his job, got in trouble with the law on multiple accounts, and has a restraining order against him. It is a damn shame. It is all very upsetting, but there is one thing that is stranger than the rest. There is a lake at the end of my parents' street. My parents did not want me to go there. It was a mess, broken bottles everywhere. I went once with my library/enrichment program teacher and another boy from my class to study moss. Anyway, apparently, when my uncle got in trouble with the law, he parked on the other side of the lake in a different town, where he damaged his car and ran over someone's mailbox, and then he swam across the shitty lake in winter to walk to his house. People called the cops when they saw a shoeless guy covered in mud walking the streets. His briefcase and car keys are still in the lake. He also stole my Mom-Mom's First Alert system and put it in my other uncle's coy pond. He thought it was tape-recording him. I hope he actually does what he needs to to stay well. We'll see.

My Mom-Mom will most likely have to go in a home. It is very sad, but she really needs someone around the clock to take care of her.

I feel like nothing can surprise me anymore. Bad things happen, good stuff still happens. It's sad.

The husbo thinks it's dangerous to put this all out there, but I don't use names, so I'm hoping there is still some anonymity to all this. I think only 3 people read anyway, and they are all people I'd want to know this stuff.

Despite all the craziness, I feel okay.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there is much danger to this - just helps me stay updated on your life when I'm too busy being a bad friend to stay in touch. I'm sorry about your uncle and grandmom - but hopefully everything will be for the best... hang in there... :)
