The next time you eat fajitas, you should do what the husbo does.
He puts the tortillas he's going to use in a pile. Then, he assembles the first fajita on top. As he eats that first one, anything that falls out lands in the next tortilla.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
He is a genius.
He thinks I am the genius, because when presented with individually foil-wrapped pads of butter in a restaurant for bread, I just unwrap it a little and spread it directly on the bread, sans knife. I thought it was just common sense.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
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That's not a bad idea at all. We usually wrap the fajitas up and then grill them on the panini press to seal everything in, while also adding a slight crunch. I like Rich's idea though, it's even easier.